EOTech XPS2-Z User Manual

Page 27

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Corrective Action 3: Inspect the battery contact points in both the battery cap and in
the sight itself. Ensure that they are free of debris or corrosion.

Corrective Action 4: Reset the electronics by removing any source of power for
approximately two minutes. This will allow a capacitor in the electronics housing to
drain of power, resetting the electronics. Reinstall the battery and operate the sight as

Corrective Action 5: Check the battery contacts for corrosion or wear. Clean the contacts.

Corrective Action 6: Turn in the sight for unit level maintenance.

Failure: The reticle is fuzzy/ has a ‘halo’ effect/ has more than one reticle:

The reticle is naturally pixilated and the outer circle will appear to be made up of many
small dots. The center circle will still be distinguishable as one dot.

Corrective Action 1: Lower the brightness level of the reticle. This fault is generally
caused by the reticle brightness being too high. The reticle is not designed to be so
bright as to block the target.

Corrective Action 2: The reticle is projected onto your target plane. You must focus on