Calibration and performance tests – Boonton 8201 Modulation Analyzer Quick Start User Manual
Page 14
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Calibration and Performance Tests
The internal calibrators of the 8201 Modulation Analyzer provide
modulation standards for AM, FM and PM measurements. They are
activated by the operator as required by the measurement.
0.1% accuracy
0.1% accuracy
1.0% accuracy
FM Calibration
The calibration process consists of:
1. Applying to the FM discriminator , in alternation, two accurately
controlled frequencies
2. Measuring the resulting recovered modulation information
3. Computing a correction factor for subsequent FM measure-
AM Calibration
The operation of the AM calibrator is similar to that of the FM
For detailed theory of operation of the calibration for both AM,
FM and PM, please refer to section 5 “Performance Test 12” of the
instruction manual. The mathematical procedures used to determine
the accuracy of the calibration is disclosed in this section. Since the
calibrators are so precise, measurement verification of the stated
accuracy is not practical.