Asus PIKE 2008 User Manual
Page 21
8. Repeat step 6 to add the second disk to the volume.
9. When done, press
then exit this menu.
10. The utility creates the volume.
7. A warning screen appears. Press any key to continue.
data on the first disk will be mirrored on the second disk that you will add to
the volume later. Ensure the data you want to mirror is on the first disk.
Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help
SPACE/+/- = Select disk for volume C = Create array
LSI Corp Config Utility v7.05.01.00 (2010.02.09)
Create New Volume -- SAS2008
WARNING! Data was found on the selected disk, this data will be lost
when the volume is created!
Choose Discard configuration or Cancel Exit on the next screen to abort.
Create and save new volume?
Cancel Exit
Save changes then exit this menu
Discard changes then exit this menu
Exit the Configuration Utility and Reboot
LSI Corp Config Utility v7.05.01.00 (2010.02.09)
Create New Volume -- SAS2008
Processing...may take up to 1 minute
Creating RAID Volume...