HP MediaSmart Server iStream Software User Manual

Page 8

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HP MediaSmart Server iStream User's Guide


Selecting an album takes you to the song list page. Here you can select a song from the list to start
playing from or select Shuffle to start randomly playing the songs in the list.

Once a song is selected, you are taken to the Music player. The player has two views, song and
list, selectable by the List/Music icon in the top right. The Back button takes you back to the song
list. The title bar displays information about the song currently being played. The Repeat button
allows you to repeat the song currently playing or repeat all the songs in the list one time. The
Seek Bar at the top allows you to select a location within the song to play. The Shuffle button to
the right of the seek bar lets you toggle playing songs in shuffle mode. The controls at the bottom
let you skip back a song, pause or resume playing of a song, and skip forward to the next song. At
the bottom is a volume control slider.