HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 124

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Using the MSMM Utility Interface Program

Mid-Range Silo Media Manager Installation and User’s Guide 541530-001

7 -6

REPORT Function

#push silo^out == variable for naming REPORT output diskfile

#push media_status == output variable for mediacom

#push media_in == input variable to mediacom

#push tape_list == variable to contain REPORT diskfile used in FILETOVAR

#push tapevol == tape cartridge number extracted from tape_list variable in loop

#push line == output variable from VFIND to find tape cartridge in DSM/TC

#push msmm^loc == NonStop server location of MSMM ISV $.

#push ^status == variable to check status of report function

#push ^pool == DSM/TC pool name. Can be a '*' if you want all pools


== Set the MSMM $vol.svol

#set msmm^loc <$vol>.


== Name of the inventory outfile. It will be re-created every time

#set silo^out <$vol>..


== Set the POOL for use in MEDIACOM

== In this usage, ALL POOLS will be looked at

#set ^pool *


== Utility accepts three parameters (REPORT, LOCATION OF OUTPUT FILE, MSMM


Run [msmm^loc].INTFACE/outv ^status/ REPORT [silo^out] [msmm^loc]

[#if [#charfind ^status 1 Error] |then|

#output Bad REPORT Status - [^status]

] == endif

mediacom/nowait, outv media_status, inv media_in dynamic/

== Put the inventory file to a variable

filetovar [silo^out] tape_list
