The image color matching file, Installing inf and icm files, Installing from the cd –2 – HP f1905 19 inch LCD Monitor User Manual
Page 42

Operating the Monitor
User’s Guide
The Image Color Matching File
The ICM files provide more accurate color representation by
supplying data to graphics programs to provide consistent color
matching from monitor screen to printer, or from scanner to the
monitor screen. The ICM files contain a monitor color system
profile. These files are activated from within graphics programs
that support this feature.
The ICM color profile is written in accordance with the
International Color Consortium (ICC) Profile Format Specification.
Installing INF and ICM Files
If you determine that you need to update these files, you can install
INF and ICM files from the CD, or download them from the
Installing from the CD
To install INF and ICM files on your computer from the CD:
1. Insert the CD in your computer CD drive. The CD menu
2. View the “INF and ICM Readme” file (in English only).
3. Select Install INF and ICM Files in the CD menu.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
5. After the files have been installed, restart the computer.
6. Ensure that the proper resolutions and refresh rates appear in
the Display Control Panel settings. Refer to your Windows
operating system documentation for more information.
You may need to install the digitally signed monitor INF or ICM
files manually from the CD, in the event of an installation error.
Refer to the “INF and ICM Readme” file on the CD for instructions
(in English only).