Plumbing – Airstream 390 User Manual
Page 55

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In your utility compartment on the roadside of the motorhome are the city water hose
connection and various other valves. They are clearly marked and your dealer should
have explained the functions of each at time of purchase.
Use a high-pressure hose of at least ½” diameter. It should be one that is tasteless,
odorless and non-toxic designed for RV use. The city water inlet is a standard garden
hose thread. We suggest you carry two lengths of hose. This way you have the ability
to reach hookups further away than normal, plus you have a spare hose should one fail
or become damaged unexpectedly.
After hooking up the hose and turning on the city water valve provided in the park,
slowly open a faucet. There will be a lot of spurts and sputtering until all the air is
expelled from the motorhome system. If the water heater is empty it will take some
time before all the air is expelled and you get a steady flow of water at the faucet. Once
a steady flow is achieved at one faucet the others should be opened long enough to
expel the air in the lines going to them.
Water pressure at some campgrounds may be low. The water pump can be turned
on to assist the city water hookup pressure. Be sure there is some water in the fresh
water tank. The pump will only use the water that is needed out of the tank to bring
the pressure up to the usual standard. The water pump should be turned off when the
motorhome is left unattended.
Your plumbing system has a built in pressure regulator to protect your lines and faucets
from extremely high pressures on some city water systems.
Information on dump valve and black tank flush use can be found under DRAIN AND
WASTE SYSTEM further back in this section