Script file options – HP Scripting Toolkit for Linux 9.50 User Manual
Page 38

PreferredPathMode = Auto
; COMMENT: the following five entries are used to optimize the
controller performance for video
MNPDelay = 0|1|2|...|60 ; units are minutes, zero indicates disabled
IRPEnable = Yes|No
DPOEnable = Yes|No
ElevatorSortEnable = Yes|No
QueueDepth = 2|4|8|16|32|Auto
Array = A|B|C|D|E|F|G|...Z|a|b|c|d|e|f
OnlineSpare = None | N | Port:ID,Port:ID... | Box:Bay,Box:Bay... |
Port:Box:Bay,Port:Box:Bay,... ; COMMENT: These values are available
only in Custom method mode. In Auto method mode, the choices are
Drive = * | N | Port:ID,Port:ID... | Box:Bay,Box:Bay... |
DriveType = SCSI | SAS | SATA
LogicalDrive = 1|2|3|...32
RAID = 0|1|5|50|6|60|adg|auto ; COMMENT: RAID 6 and 60 are only
available when SAAP is installed and the license key registered
ParityGroups = 2|N ; COMMENT: Necessary only for RAID 50 or 60. N
> 2
Size = [N]|Max
Sectors = 32|63
StripeSize = 8|16|32|64|128|256
ArrayAccelerator = Enable|Disable
LogicalDriveSSPState = Enable|Disable
SSPAdaptersWithAccess = [N],[N]...|None
PreferredPath = 1|2
ConnectionName = UserDefinedName
HostMode = Default | Windows | Windows(degrade | openVMS | Tru64 |
Linux | Solaris | Netware | HP | Windows Sp2 ; COMMENT: The
Windows(degrade value must be entered as written.
Script file options
Options in HP SSA script files are divided into the following categories:
“Controller category” (page 40)
“Logical Drive category” (page 44)
Each category has several scripting options, but you do not always need to assign values to every
option. HP SSA can use default values in some instances, while in other instances, a listed option
might not be relevant for a particular configuration or scripting mode.
Scripting Toolkit utilities