Hponcfg return codes, Hponcfg command file contents, Obtaining an entire configuration – HP Scripting Toolkit for Linux 9.50 User Manual
Page 57: Hponcfg return codes hponcfg command file contents

HPONCFG return codes
The script was sent successfully to the device.
The script could not be sent to the device. There is an error
in xml.
The Management processor is not present, or the driver is
not running.
The iLO flash is still in progress.
The script is unable to create an output file.
If the script itself fails, errors are reported in the log file created by HPONCFG.
HPONCFG command file contents
HPONCFG can be used to perform the following tasks:
Obtain an entire configuration
Obtain a specific configuration
Set a configuration
Obtaining an entire configuration
HPONCFG can be used to obtain an entire configuration from iLO. In this case, the utility executes
from the command line without specification of an input file. The name of the output file is given
on the command line. For example:
hponcfg -w config.xml
In this example, the utility indicates that it obtained the data successfully and wrote it to the output
file as requested. The following is a typical example of the contents of the output file: