HP Integrity rx4640 Server User Manual
Page 20

37. On the Prerequisites screen, click Verify. When the verification process is complete, click Next.
38. Select the operating systems that you want to deploy to target servers, and click Next.
39. Specify the appropriate configuration options, and click Next. For more information, see Appendix B
Manually modifying configuration settings
The MAC Address lookup value is required for Integrity and new ProLiant servers.
40. Specify the appropriate Windows product keys, and click Next.
41. On the Installation and Configuration screen, click Install.
42. If upgrading, click OK when prompted to back up and overwrite existing configuration files and reimport
existing jobs.
43. For each operating system that you want to copy, specify the root directory of the distribution files, and
click Copy. If you skip copying any distribution, see Appendix A
Manually installing distribution files
44. If prompted to reinsert the Rapid Deployment Pack media, reinsert it, and click OK.
45. If you skipped any distribution, click OK when the warning message appears.