Alliance Laundry Systems Drying Tumbler 110 Pound Capacity Part No. D0583 User Manual
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1. Shut off current; disconnect leads and remove air switch.
2. Lay air switch assembly on flat surface. Adjust air blade at
“A” (figure 1) so that air blade lays flat and surface “B” is
parallel to the flat surface.
3. Place 3/8” x 5/8” (10 mm x 16 mm) spacer bar or equivalent
“C” (figure 2) under air blade in position shown; hold switch
mounting bracket firmly and adjust switch actuator “D” with
needle nose pliers at “E” by twisting actuator right or left,
whichever is needed, so that switch closes when end of air
blade engages bar “C”.
4. Maximum opening of air switch must be no greater than
3/4” (20 mm) (figure 3). Bend tab “F” in or out to maintain
this dimension.
5. Re-install air switch assembly on rear of dryer.
6. Re-check operation of air blade. Switch must close before
air blade engages face of opening and re-open before stop
“F” engages.