Tips & tricks – AGFA Printer User Manual
Page 42

13. Tips & Tricks.
13.1. Printing on heat sensitive media:
When printing on heat sensitive media, it’s sometimes difficult to ensure that the
media stays flat on the conveyor belt, to avoid head strikes.
If the head strikes the media, try to adapt by using following guidelines:
- Set a head height of 2 or 2.5mm. (Adjust the Bi-dir alignment if necessary)
- Use only half power on the UV-lamps.
- Make sure the carriage moves over the left media edge, on point of return.
- Print Uni-directional. (Also reduces 1/2 of your UV lamp heat)
- Place the media at the 2nd register pins (left side), so you’ll allow more
surface cooling down time.
- On very small media: mask the conveyor belt area around the media,
ensuring a stronger local vacuum. (Use sheets of paper)
13.2. Media corners lift a bit up (rigid media):
Place another piece of rigid media in front of the loaded rigid.
This will ensure a stronger vacuum on the front corners.
13.3. Image size/border: (Wasatch Rip)
By default, when you install the Wasatch Rip, there is an EPS-border active.
This will put a border of 2.54cm around every new opened image.
This will make borderless image printing very difficult, in terms of placement.
In Wasatch RIP; select OPTIONS, Set EPS Border….and set the value to “0”.