AGFA Printer User Manual

Page 21

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(*)Clean the heads with a fiber-free cloth,

by wiping from back to front on each head separately.

(Use backside of cloth, or a new cloth for every next head)

(**) Hold a white A4-paper underneath the base plate to check the nozzles.

The intention is to capture the ink when the heads are weeping. (± 10sec)

You will see vertical lines appearing on the sheet, check them on interruption.

- In case of nozzle failure:

Move carriage to PURGE position

Push the underneath GRID backwards

Little purge:

- Close all heads that are OK (switch them to the “S” position)
- Push the “Purge” button frequent, at very short intervals.
- Open all heads again (switch them back to the “I” position)
- Clean the heads with a fiber-free cloth. (*)

- Check on “weeping” (**)

Large purge:

- With all the heads open….. (switch them all to the “I” position)
- Push and hold the “Purge” button for a longer time (2 sec.), end the procedure by

pushing the “Purge” button again, but now frequent, at very short intervals.

- Clean the heads with a fiber-free cloth. (*)

- Check on “weeping” (**)

IF NOZZLE FAILLURE STILL PERSISTS…. Proceed with following steps:

- Set the Neg. Pressure to “0”, leave the system for 1-2 minutes

(Ink will now start dripping out the heads)
- Restore the Neg. Pressure back to “-.034”

- Clean the heads with a fiber-free cloth.

- Check on “weeping” (**)