UEi Test Instruments EM201B User Manual
Page 6

Measure Pressure (Cont.)
To perform pressure with respect to a different area using
the EM201B connect a tube to the positive port, place
the end of this tube to the area to be measured and the
negative port open. Results will show the pressure in the
target area with respect to the area the meter is located
Use both the positive and negative ports to perform
differential measurements. Place the positive port in the
area expected to have a higher pressure, and the negative
port in the area of lower expected pressure.
To select the desired units press “SCALE”. Repeated
presses of this button will scroll through PSI (pounds
per square inch), In-Wg (Inches water gauge, or water
scale), mBar (millibar), or Pa (Pascals) (EM201B only).
On the Pascal scale the meter will automatically switch
to hectopascals (hPa) when the reading exceeds 1000
pascals. 1000 pascals is equal to 10 hectopascals.