Selecting intercom sites and cabling, 1 intercom sites – Timeguard DCA2 User Manual
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3. Selecting intercom sites and cabling
3.1 Intercom sites
The internal intercom should be located at a convenient position for all potential
users at the height indicated in fi g 3a and at a maximum distance of 70m from
the external intercom. If all the users are signifi cantly above or below average
height then a different mounting height may be considered appropriate.
The external intercom should be sited in an area away from driving rain
and surface water, out of direct sunlight as far as possible and protected by the
minimum of an open porch in a position readily accessible to potential entrants.
It should be mounted at the height indicated in fi g 3b.
Fig 3a
Internal intercom
mounting height
Fig 3b
External intercom mounting
height and coverage
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