Attention, Avertissement – Prochem Trident Dehumidifier User Manual

Page 14

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Operating Dehumidifier

Never allow anything to block intake airflow. Be
careful of objects which could be drawn against
intake. The fan must sit on a level surface. Always
position and orient machine before turning on.

Ne permettez jamais à quoi que ce soit de bloquer
l'entrée d'air. Faites attention aux objets qui pour-
raient être attirés contre l'entrée d'air. Le ventilateur
doit reposer sur une surface de niveau. Dirigez et
orientez toujours le ventilateur

avant de l'allumer.

For best results, operate dehumidifier in enclosed
space. Close all exterior doors and windows. Keep
traffic through drying area to a minimum


Connect drain hose to condensate pump’s quick
connect fitting.


Uncoil and straighten entire hose; to prevent water
backing up to pump and leaking.


Place other end in a sink drain bucket or outside,
no more than 10 ft above pump.

NOTE: If a bucket or other receptacle is used for
water collection, check and empty regularly to
prevent spills.


Plug in electrical cord into 115 volt GFCI protected
outlet rated for minimum 15 amps.


Turn the machine on.


Switch off and unplug machine from its power
source before connecting ducting.

Arrêtez et débranchez le ventilateur de sa source
d'énergie avant de relier la canalisation.

Be aware that ducting will move as it inflates or has
air moving through it.

Prenez conscience que la canalisation se
déplacera alors qu'elle se gonflera ou alors que l'air
passera à travers.








86352290 Trident LGR Dehumidifier