Getting started – Noby UK Noby-420 2-Zone User Manual

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Noby-420 Installation & Programming Instructions Rev3

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We strongly recommend that the Noby-420 is first powered up with all 4K7 End Of Line resistors fitted at the panel
as supplied by the factory. In this way you can gain confidence that the panel is operating correctly before
introducing detector and sounder circuits.

Power-Up With Battery

• Connect two 12v SLA batteries in series (+’ve to –‘ve) to form a 24 volt battery stack, using the

battery jumper link supplied.

• Connect the black battery lead to the battery stack –‘ve terminal.
• Connect the red battery lead to the battery stack +’ve terminal. It is normal to see a small spark.
• The Common Fault LED will be continuously lit together with flashing PSU and CPU fault LEDs.

These faults are also accompanied by an audible fault tone signified by 4 rapid pips every 4 seconds.

• Press [3][6][3][6] [1][4][5] to silence and perform a System Reset – observe a 3 second LED test.
• The panel should then settle to quiescent state with all LEDs off.
• Connect the mains power supply to the fused screw terminal block
• The panel should now be in a standby state with only the green Power LED continuosly lit.

Power-Up With Mains

• Connect the mains power supply to the fused screw terminal block.

The green Power LED will be continuously lit.
The Common Fault LED will be continuously lit together with flashing PSU and CPU fault LEDs.
These faults are also accompanied by an audible fault tone signified by 4 rapid pips every 4 seconds.

• Connect two 12v SLA batteries in series (+’ve to –‘ve) to form a 24 volt battery stack, using the

battery jumper link supplied.

• Connect the black battery lead to the battery stack –‘ve terminal.
• Connect the red battery lead to the battery stack +’ve terminal. It is normal to see a small spark.
• Press [3][6][3][6] [1][4][5] to silence and perform a System Reset – observe 3 second LED test.
• The panel should now be in a standby state with only the green Power LED continuously lit.

1. The panel will persist in reporting a PSU fault after a System Reset if the battery is either not present or the

battery fuse F4 has blown.

2. Whilst there is a measure of protection against accidental reverse connection of the battery, such action will

blow fuse F4 and may cause permanent damage to the panel.