Noby UK Noby-220 2-Zone User Manual
Installation instructions, 3installation and commissioning, 4figure 1 system connections

Where to site the Noby-220
It is intended that the Noby-220 be located in a public space indoors, such as a hallway or
landing area, where the LED alarm strobe can be seen and the internal alarm sounder can
be clearly heard. Another consideration is to position the panel to make most effective use
of the LED courtesy-light, which automatically operates in the event of a power cut.
Connecting the mains supply
Mains power may be supplied via a permanently wired cable supplied from a 2A fused spur,
and in accordance with local wiring regulations. Feed the cable securely either through the
cable-entry hole CE2, or via a 20mm cable gland CG3.
Alternatively a flexible mains cord can be fitted with a 2A fused plug, and fed in through
CG4 or CG5 using the strain relief bush supplied (suitable for diameters 6.2mm to 7.4mm).
SAFETY: strip back the outer sheath of the cable no more than 25mm and then strip
back each inner core to reveal 6mm bare conductor. In this way the cable's double
insulation is preserved inside the box to within 25mm of the screw terminal block.
EARTH: the Noby-220 is designated Class-1 equipment and must be earthed. Connect
the earth core of the mains cable to the earthing point on the box-back. Note that there is
no requirement (and therefore no provision is made) to earth the lid provided the mains
cores are prepared in the manner described above. Refer to a qualified electrician if there
is any doubt concerning electrical safety.
First power up
It is recommended that the Noby-220 is first powered up with the End Of Line devices still
connected to the screw terminal block at the panel, as supplied from the factory. This will
help to establish that the panel is functioning OK before connecting any external devices.
Isolate the mains supply.
Position the battery as shown in Fig.1, with the -'ve terminal to the rear of the box.
Connect the battery terminals observing strict battery polarity.
The panel springs into life with an audible warning beep.
The absence of mains power causes the green Power LED to flash every 4 secs.
The LED courtesy-light is automatically activated due to there being no mains power.
Switch on the mains supply to the panel.
The Power LED now blinks (occults) every 4 secs, indicating mains-loss memory.
Perform a System Reset (refer to User Operation).
The panel should now be in standby mode with a steady Power LED and backlight.
Connecting the detectors
Up to a maximum of 10 detectors can be connected to each zone.
There is no restriction on the number of call-points.
Ensure that the detectors are within specification at 10.5 volts.
Use detector bases fitted with a schottky diode.
Connect the detectors and call-points in a straight daisy-chain manner.
The recommended maximum cable length on each circuit is 100m.
Maintain strict polarity from the panel, and from one detector to the next.
Remove & re-connect the factory fitted EOLC at the farthermost detector base.
Connecting the external sounders
The recommended maximum external sounder circuit current is 200mA.
e.g. up to 10 sounders can be connected with a current draw of 20mA each.
The sounders must be polarised i.e. compatible with conventional fault monitoring.
Ensure that the sounders are operational down to 10.5V supply voltage.
Connect the sounders in a straight daisy-chain manner, with no spurs or loops.
The recommended maximum sounder cable length is 200m.
Maintain strict polarity from the panel, and from one sounder to the next.
Remove & re-connect the factory fitted EOLR at the farthermost sounder.
One-man test
The one-man test is a test facility to aid commissioning and testing of the system, allowing
the installer to walk-test the system and trigger each detection device in turn.
Enter the Engineer Code followed by .
Press either and/or to select the zone for test - toggle on/off.
The selected zone/s is indicated by a rotating LED patterns on the button.
You now have 90s to trigger the first device, and 90s thereafter to the next device.
Each triggered device will pulse the sounders (but not the relay) until the test alarm
condition is clear. The panel automatically resets the detectors.
Press to exit the one-man test mode.
Note: The panel automatically kicks back to normal standby operation if there is 90s of
no activity or if there is a real fire condition detected on a zone not being tested.
Installation and Commissioning
End Of Line
Capacitor (10
End Of Line
Resistor (10K)
Sounder 1
Sounder 2
Sounder n
(total sounder
current not to
exceed 200mA)
Detector 1
Detector 2
Detector n
(max. 10)
SLA 12v / 1.3Ahr
Sndr Z1
Battery Fuse
Ext.Sndr Fuse
Mains voltage supply
from 230VAC 2A fused
Call Point
Figure 1 System Connections
Max. cable run 200m
Max. cable run 100m
Installation Instructions
Residential Fire Control Panel
Residential Fire Control Panel
Please read the following instructions carefully and
retain them in a safe place for future reference.
IX-02-142 Rev 1
Clean external surfaces with a damp cloth and mild detergent.
Do not use abrasives, solvents or polish.
Noby UK have taken every reasonable effort to ensure that the stainless steel
facia is delivered in pristine condition. Please inspect the facia prior to installing
the product as Noby UK cannot accept responsibility for any flaws or scratches
incurred whilst installing the product.
This equipment is to be installed, serviced and maintained by a suitably qualified
technical person with the requisite knowledge of electrical and fire safety
The Noby-220 is intended to be permanently connected to the 230V house wiring
via a 2A fused spur and in accordance with local wiring regulations.
Take care not to accidentally reverse the SLA battery connections during
installation. Fuse F2 will blow, but there is a remote possibility of further damage
to the electronic circuitry. Such damage is identifiable to Noby UK and is not
covered by the warranty.
Part of the internal circuitry operates at 230V and presents an electrical shock
hazard. Do not attempt to open, dismantle, repair or tamper with this equipment
without first disconnecting the mains supply voltage.
The Noby-220 incorporates fault monitoring of vital safety circuits as required by
the EN54 standard. It is important that fault indications are investigated at the
earliest by a qualified engineer.
This is Class-1 electrical equipment and must be earthed.
Unit 1F Mill Fold
Elland Road
Ripponden, HALIFAX,
West Yorkshire, HX6 4DJ
01422 823395
Fax: 01422 823661
i n f o @ n o b y. c o . u k
w w w . n o b y. c o . u k
Warnings & Cautions
Technical Support (trade calls only): 01422 823661