MadgeTech RHTemp2000 Data Logger User Manual

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Data Logger Manual

Page 11

Section 5: RHTemp2000 Function Reference

5.1 Main Screen

The main screen of the RHTemp2000 features a real-time display of most
recently measured temperature and humidity. At the bottom of the main
screen are tabs corresponding to each of the four function keys. These tabs
are used to access the four main function menus of the RHTemp2000:
status, statistics, units, and setup. The left side of the main screen and all
subsequent screens of the device is where important status information icons
can be found (detailed in Section 3: Important Status Icons – page 7) includ-
ing recording status, memory status, busy status, external power status, and
battery power status.

5.2 Status Menu

Pressing F1 on the main screen brings up the Status menu. The first screen
that appears in the Status Menu is Run Parameters, but the Memory Status
and Time screens can also be viewed by pressing the F2 and F3 keys respec-

5.2.i Run Parameters

The Run Parameters screen displays important information regarding the
device’s current recording session. These parameters include the time and
date the recording session started (start time and start date), the time and
date the recording session will end (stop date and stop time) due to either
lack of memory or preprogramming in the MadgeTech software. The rate
at which the RHTemp2000 is recording (rate) is also displayed. The device’s
current status (either running or stopped) is the last parameter on the Run
Parameters screen.

5.2.ii Memory Status

The Memory Status screen is where all information regarding the RHTemp2000’s
memory. This screen displays the percent of memory space currently avail-
able (memory left), the number of readings currently stored on the device
(readings), the maximum number of readings the device can record (max
readings), as well as information about the wrap feature displaying either
“disabled” or the number of wrap readings currently stored in memory.