MadgeTech RHTemp2000 Data Logger User Manual
Page 10

Data Logger Manual
Page 9
Section 4: Front Panel Overview
4.1 Changing the display units
The RHTemp2000 comes with factory default display units of °C for tempera-
ture and %RH for humidity. These units can be easily changed by pressing
the F3 button in the main screen and then selecting either F1 for tempera-
ture and F2 for humidity. After selecting a channel, the available units can be
scrolled through by either pressing the channel’s function key repeatedly or
using the UP and DOWN keys.
Button pressing chain:
Main Screen -> F3 -> F1(temp) or F2(humidity) -> function key repeatedly or
4.2 Changing the number, type, and size of channels viewed
By default the RHTemp2000 displays recently measured values of both chan-
nels (temperature and humidity) on its Main Screen with the two channels
taking up the maximum amount of screen space available. Channels can,
however, be hidden or viewed on a smaller or larger scale.
To change the number and type of displayed channels:
From the Main Screen, press the F4 key to enter the Setup Menu and from
this menu press the F1 key to enter the Display screen. On this screen, F1
corresponds to the Temperature channel and F2 to Humidity. Pressing these
function keys will cause the channels to scroll between “show” or “hide”.
Channels displaying “show” will appear on the main screen and channels
displaying “hide” will not. Any number of channels between zero and two
may be shown.
Button pressing chain:
Main Screen -> F4 -> F1 -> F1(temp) and F2(humidity)
To change the size of displayed channels:
From the Main Screen, press the F4 key to enter the Setup Menu and from
this menu press the F1 key to enter the Display screen, then F4 to scroll to
the next screen. Here the F2 key will change the size of the channels viewed.
By pressing F2 repeatedly the size parameter will scroll between three sizes:
Small: Up to two channels can be displayed and appear much smaller than
the available screen space.
Medium: Up to two channels can be displayed