MadgeTech Wind101A Data Logger User Manual
Wind110 wind speed recorder quick setup guide

Wind110 Wind Speed Recorder
Quick Setup Guide
Installation of the Wind110 (Pulse110-2 pos. terminal block)
The anemometer should be mounted vertically in an open area, as high up as possible. It should
be mounted on a pole so that the Wind110 is unobstructed and clear of debris. It can be
mounted using a cotter pin on a 13 mm (0.5 in.) diameter mast with a #35 hole, 11 mm (0.35
in.) from the top. The anemometer is non-directional, and will measure wind blowing in any
horizontal direction. To ensure the most accurate readings, adjust the position of the
anemometer on the bracket so that it is level. Run the 25’ (ft.) of provided cable to the location
where the data logger will be mounted, securing it roughly every 2 feet. There are 4 mounting
holes (0.2 in. diameter spaced 2.5 in. square) on the watertight enclosure.
PC and Interface Cable Set-up
A computer running Windows with the MadgeTech software v2.00.58a (or higher) is required.
Once the software is installed, a MadgeTech IFC110 interface cable is required to communicate
with the logger. To install the software and interface cable, consult the “QuickStart
Guide” (pages # 7 to 11) on the MadgeTech web site:
Once the software is installed and the interface cable (or IFC200) is connected to the PC, you are
ready to communicate with the Wind110 data logger. To establish communications, the first step
is to unscrew the stainless steel plug from the enclosure. The second step is to insert the 3.5mm
plug of the interface cable through the hole in the enclosure and completely into the datalogger.
The third step is to ensure that a 57600 baud rate is checked under the “Communications” ->
“Select Baud Rate” menu bar option within the MadgeTech software.
Launch the Wind110
The Wind110 is programmed to record
wind speed (mph) every 10 seconds, but
can be changed when starting the
device. To start the device, select the
“Device” -> “Start Device” menu option
in the software, and the screen on the
left should appear.:
Tech Note
MadgeTech, Inc.
(603) 456-2011 Phone
(603) 456-2012 Fax
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PO Box 50
Warner NH 03278
Wind Tech Note
REV A 2009.03.30
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