Audient ASP8024 Dual Layer Control Module User Manual
Page 12

Your console should now be connected to your studio DAW computer and
ready for configuration as a HUI™ control surface and analogue automation
If you need to exit the AuNet program it will still run in the systray until you
manually quit by right clicking on the icon in the system tray and select quit.
Setting up the console with DHCP
(for use with routers)
If you have more than one device connected to your DAW computer, you will
most likely be using a network router to talk to all of these devices. If you
have connected ASP8024-DLC to your DAW computer via a network router,
you will need to use DHCP to enable automatic configuration of IP address,
providing fast and smarter networking.
Ensure that you enable ‘obtain IP addresses automatically’ in:
Network Connections > Local Area Connections > Internet Protocol TCP/IP
Properties (you should already know how to do this if you are running an
existing network).
You will most likely be running DHCP with automatic IP hand out. Ensure that
the console is set to use DHCP on the second page of the setup menu, once
set reboot the console and follow the same AuNet connection procedure as
outlined previously once the console is detected.