Networking (pc) – Audient ASP8024 Dual Layer Control Module User Manual
Page 10

Networking (PC)
Once you have connected AS8024-DLC to your studio computer via either a
direct Ethernet link or through a router and installed AuNet, you are ready to
set up the networking side of the console.
IP Address Setup for Direct Connection
Until your console is connected (or any other LAN device to your PC), the
LAN status indicated in Control Panel > Network Connections will be
Right click on the Local Area Connection icon and select
Networking (PC) In the Local Area Connections properties dialogue window
scroll down and select Internet Protocol TCP/IP and then open the properties
dialogue box with the button to the right.
Here select the ‘use the following IP
address’ radio button.
> Set IP Address to
Leave the default gateway blank
and click OK.
Your PC may take some time to
apply the settings so please be
patient. Power the console on and
once booted, check that a
connection has been opened in the
Network Connections window via
the Control Panel.
On the Console
Moving across to ASP8024-DLC panel, power up the console and once
booted, press the SETUP button. The OLED displays will show the first page
of console setup. First set the application you are using with ASP8024-DLC.
The options at the time of release include:
• Apple Logic 9
• Avid Pro Tools 8
• Steinberg Cubase 5 (Nuendo)
Use the first rotary encoder to select the required DAW application. Note that
once a change has been made, the setup switch LED will flash to indicate that
a setting has changed. If you exit setup by pressing the switch once more