ZAGG Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG for iPad 2 User Manual
Getting started with logitech® keyboard case

Getting started with
Logitech® Keyboard Case
for iPad® 2
1. Place the Logitech® Keyboard Case vertically on a
non-slip surface.
2. Using two hands, place one hand on each side of the
Keyboard Case, with thumbs situated just above the side with
keyboard cutout.
* Make sure the 30-pin port is aligned with the cutout when closing.
3. Secure the Keyboard Case with one thumb and the iPad® 2
with your other thumb. Apply slight downward pressure to
iPad 2 and separate.
1. Lift hinge and lock into place by sliding tab back into locking
slots and applying slight pressure.
2. Place iPad 2 (either in portrait or landscape mode) into central
groove, and rest against raised hinge.
Powering on and pairing your Keyboard Case
The Keyboard Case’s Bluetooth keyboard should only need to
pair to your iPad 2 once as follows:
1. On the Keyboard Case, slide the power button on. The red
status light will illuminate for four seconds and then turn off
to save power. Your Keyboard Case is still on.
2. Press the Connect button.
3. On the iPad 2, select: Settings > General > Bluetooth > On.
4. The status light will flash on Keyboard Case and the iPad 2 will
display “Logitech Keyboard Case” as an available device.
5. Select “Logitech Keyboard Case” on the iPad 2; the iPad 2 will
display a code.
6. Type the code on the keyboard and press enter; Keyboard
Case will now be paired to the iPad 2.
Special function keys
The Keyboard Case has been designed with special function keys
to give you more control of your iPad 2.
Home Brings you to the iPad 2 home screen
Search Brings up the iPad 2 search screen
Slideshow Starts playing slideshow of saved pictures
Virtual keyboard Allows you to hide or show iPad 2 on
screen keyboard
Cut (Command-X)
Copy (Command-C)
Paste (Command-V)
Undo (Command-Z)
Redo (Command-Shift-Z)
Previous track Skips to previous track on current playlist
Play/Pause Starts or stops current playlist
Next track Skips to next track on current playlist
Mute Mutes audio on iPad 2
Volume down Decreases volume on iPad 2
Volume up Increases volume on iPad 2
Lock Makes the iPad 2 screen go dark and come back
when pressed again
International Keyboard Toggles between
international keyboards
Lights and buttons
Charging light (blue): turns on when charging, turns off when
fully charged
Status light (red):
1. Flashes when battery is low (approximately 20% is remaining.
This should give you 2–4 days to recharge)
2. Flashes when pairing
3. Lights briefly when you turn on Keyboard Case, then turns off
to save battery
Central groove
Status light
Bluetooth button
Charging light