Agilent Technologies 37907A User Manual
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A range of link interface modules (LIMs) provide the physical interface to
network equipment. Each LIM connects to one type of physical interface (e.g.,
E1 or T1), providing access to all signaling links on up to four bidirectional
bearers. The mainframe supports two LIMs (eight bidirectional bearers). An
optional undercradle expands capacity to four LIMs (16 bidirectional bearers).
The architecture of the software and mainframe makes it easy for you to
keep up with changing technologies and data rates, minimizing the need to
replace equipment. Simply add a LIM or decode to bring your instrument in
line with new needs. High performance and flexibility are built into the
Signaling Advisor mainframe enabling it to cater for today’s and tomorrow’s
applications. Separate processors (with independent memory) handle data
acquisition and user interface, allowing optimum performance to be achieved.
EmuLite is a software option which allows the Signaling Advisor to be
upgraded to a fully integrated monitor and emulation solution.
EmuLite creates and executes tests faster through use of its graphical
message and sequence editors. This allows engineers more time to diagnose
signaling problems without the need for programming.
Signaling Advisor Key Benefits
Have new equipment and services installed faster and have them operate
correctly the first time.
Install new services more efficiently
Quickly, easily, and thoroughly test new services before installation by using
the Signaling Advisor’s graphical emulation environment.
Maximize revenue per subscriber
Optimize networks by monitoring performance and utilization quicker and
easier. Trends in network performance and subscriber behavior can easily be
examined using the Signaling Advisor’s statistical functions.
Attract and retain customers
For the highest quality of service and reliability, monitor all parts of the
network and rapidly highlight any problems using the Signaling Advisor.
Maintain a more profitable network
Be sure that the engineering staff is as productive as possible and customers
have as few problems as possible. Find problems and solve them faster with
the Signaling Advisor.