Dis con tin ued – Seametrics TB User Manual

Page 3

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Piping Conditions. In general, the standard practice of
installing the meter with ten diameters of straight pipe
upstream and five downstream are recommended. Some
conditions require more upstream pipe. The Seametrics
technical bulletin called "Flow Meter Installation: Straight
Run" is a useful guide in this regard.

Connections. Standard connections are NPT pipe:
thread and sweat solder, for copper water tube. For
threaded connections, use a standard thread sealer or
tape to prevent leakage.

Position. The TB Series are all-position meters, and
can be operated in a vertical or horizontal position, and
with the meter inserted in any radial position. A horizon-
tal insert position is preferred if there is a risk of air be-
coming trapped due to constant low flows. Operating
the meter in partially-filled pipe will result in inaccura-

Connections. Most TB meters require electrical con-
nections. See the connections diagram for the one rel-
evant to your meter.


For operating instructions for the various electronic mod-
ules, consult the manual for the specific module. This
should be included with the meter when purchased.

Maintenance and Repair

Recalibration. If it is necessary to recalibrate the meter
for any purpose, this can be done by any SeaMetrics-
authorized facility. Call the factory for information.


10 X Dia.

5 X Dia.

3 of 4

Turbine Insert Removal and Installation. In order to
repair any mechanical parts (rotor or shafts) it is nec-
essary to remove the turbine insert.

Rotor and Shaft Replacement. Examine the rotor to
determine if bearings or shaft are damaged or exces-
sively worn. The rotor should spin smoothly and freely
with no visible wobble. Back and forth play should be
very minor, less than 1/64". If it is necessary to replace
the rotor or shafts, first back out both shafts with a blade
screwdriver. The rotor will come free as soon as the
shaft ends come free of the rotor bearings. Reverse
the procedure to reinstall, taking care to maintain a small
amount of free play between the shaft ends and the

Sensor Replacement. This procedure is rarely nec-
essary. However, certain electrical conditions can dam-
age the sensor. To replace it, disconnect the sensor
leads from terminals on the electronics module. Then
remove the screw which retains the sensor. Remove
the sensor by tugging gently on the sensor leads. Re-
verse the process to install a new sensor.

Electronic Module Repair. None of the electronics
modules have replaceable components. They must be
replaced as complete units. In order to replace an elec-
tronic module, loosen the four screws which fasten each
unit to the lower housing. Once the screws are loose,
the unit will lift free.


Caution! Before removing insert, first remove
pressure from the line. Do not remove the
u-clip which holds the insert in place until the line is


These water meters are not recom-

mended for installation downstream of

the boiler feedwater pump where in-

stallation fault may expose the meter
to boiler pressure and temperature.

Maximum recommended temperature is 200ºF.
