Step 1 assemble side panels – Catskill Craftsmen 2005 User Manual
Page 5

A. Each side panel consists of two (2) legs, one (1) top
side brace and one (1) Glide Support Brace. When
assembled, diagonal legs will be the same (i.e. Front
Right/Back Left & Front Left/Back Right). Side panels are
identical when assembled -- the Drawer Glides will
determine left and right sides.
B. Take each of the 4 legs and install two (2) Bastion
Posts per leg, on the side of the leg which also has two
(2) pin holes for the Glide Support Sticks. Locate post
holes. Tap Posts in with hammer until threads engage
wood; turn Posts down until the solid shaft hits the wood
(All threads are into wood), then back Posts out until the
holes in the Posts are perpendicular to the long length of
the leg (about 1/2 turn).
C. Lay out Front Left leg and one (1) top side brace as in
Illustration 1A. Note the three pilot holes for the table top
sticks are along the top inside of the top side brace.
D. Take the top side brace and drop two barrel-shaped
bronze bastion nuts into the nut access holes as in
illustration 1A. Threaded end-of the nuts face out. Insert
front left leg posts into the holes in the ends of the brace,
through the side of the barrel nuts, until the holes in the
posts can be seen through the threaded end of the nuts.
Insert the Set Screws into the nuts and tighten down. The
tip of the set screw will seek the center of the bastion post
as it is tightened, leaving a tight joint. If the joint is loose,
check to make sure the set screw is not cross-threaded
or that the post is out too far (not threaded into leg deep
enough.) See previous page for Bastion illustrations for
clarification of assembly.
E. Insert two 3/4” pins into each end of the glide support
brace. Position brace such that the pilot holes for
attaching the glide are towards the bottom edge. Insert
brace pins into the holes on the inside of the left front leg
as in illustration 1B (4 pilot holes out) with pilot holes
off-center toward the bottom of the leg.
F. Attach Back Left leg in same manner as in illustration
G. Repeat for other side panel.
Table top stick holes
Nut access holes
bottom shelf hole
Bastion Post
Glide Support Steel Pin Holes
Illustration 1A
Illustration 1B
Illustration 1C
Towel bar holes
not used
in front legs
Left Front Leg
Pilot holes go on
the bottom edge
Left Front Leg
Left Front Leg
Left Back Leg