Video Mount Products DS-CH User Manual
Page 3

Step 1
Before starting, lay out all parts to your mount and match them to
the parts list provided. Verify that you have all your parts before
attempting to assemble the mount. Note: In the instruction sheet
the FP-LDSB is used as an example of a mount which the DS-CH
can attach to. Other mounts maybe used as desired.
Step 2
Insert the digital signage computer into the DS-CH by fi rst remov-
ing the security screws from one of the security box’s lids.
Insert the computer and run the cables out through the semicircle
cut into the lid as you close the security box . Secure the lid by
rescrewing the security screws into the security box’s lid.
Step 3
Attach the connector fl ap to the security box on the desired
side and location using the security screws .
Step 4
Attach the fl ap to the mounting rails of the desired mount (FP-
LDSB mounting rails shown in images). If the fl at panel the box
will be behind is going to be mounted in landscape use the two
countersunk holes closest to the box on the fl ap . If the fl at panel
is going to be mounted in portrait use the hole furthest from the
box the one in line with that one. Attach it to the mounting rail by
inserting the countersink screws into the appropriate counter-
sink holes in the connector fl ap . Then on the backside of the
mounting rail thread the countersink screws into the security
strip so that the mounting rail is sandwiched between the con-
nector fl ap and security strip .
Step 2: Inserting the computer
Step 3: Attaching the connector fl ap
Step 4A: Attaching the box to the mounting rail
(fl at panel in landscape)
Step 4B: Attaching the box to the mounting rail
(fl at panel in portrait)