Test the bc-337 gps receiver for pda – USGlobalsat BC-337 User Manual

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BC-337 User Manual

version 1.2

page 6 of 15

4.1. Test the BC-337 GPS receiver for PDA


Before you do the following test, please refer to GPS Information User Manual for installing
the “GPSinfo” testing program. You can find the program and Manual in CD. ( “GPSInfo.exe“
and “gpsinfo_menu_Eng_rev Ver 1.02.pdf”)

The testing program only supports the Microsoft Windows CE & Pocket PC based PDA platform.

1. Plug BC-337 into your PDA.
2. In your PDA, tap “Start”, “Programs” and tap “GPSinfo” icon.
3. You must select COM port (CF-CARD-GENERIC), Baud Rate (4800) and tap the [Start GPS]

button to start receiving GPS data. You can use this testing program to check the GPS data
received by BC-337.

Here is the description of “GPSinfo” testing program as follows:

COM Port Select

Baud Rate Select

Scan COM Port

Start/Close receiving GPS data

Cold Start to GPS

Enable/Disable VTG output

Enable/Disable WAAS/EGNOS

Enable/Disable Trickle power mode

GPS data from satellites