Trouble shooting, Tr ou b le p r ob ab le c au se r eme d y – RIKON Power Tools 30-140 User Manual

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Nois y operation

1. Incorrect belt tension.

1. A djust tension.

2. Dry s pindle.

2. Lubricate spindle.

3. Loose spindle pulley.

3. Checking tightness of retaining nut
on pulley and tighten if necessary .

4. Loose m otor pulley.

4. Tighten setscrews in pulleys.

Drill bit burns

1. Incorrect speed.

1. A djust speed.

m aterial

2. Chips not com ing out of hole.

2. Retract drill bit frequently to clear chips.

3. Dull drill bit.

3. Resharpen drill bit.

4. Feeding too slow.

4. Faster the speed.

5. Not Lubricated

5. Lubricate drill bit.

Drill bit leads off,

1. Hard grain in wood or lengths

1. Resharpen drill bit correc tly.

hole not round

of cutting lips and/ or angles
not equal.
2. B ent drill bit.

2. Replace drill bit.

W ood splinters

1. No "back up m aterial"

1. Use "back-up m aterial"

on underside of

under workpiece.


W ood piece pulled

1. Not s upported or

1. S upport workpiece or clam p it.

loose from hands

clam ped properly.

Drill bit binds

1. W ork piece pinching drill bit

1. S upport workpiece or clam p it.

in workpiece

or excessive feed pressure.
2. Im proper belt tension, belt slips .

2. A djust belt tension.

E xcessive drill bit

1. B ent drill bit.

1. Use a s traight drill bit.

runout or wobble

2. W orn spindle bearings.

2. Replace bearings.

3. Drill but not properly

3. Install drill bit properly.

installed in chuck.
4. Chuck not properly installed.

4. Install c huck properly.

Quill Returns too

1. S pring has im proper tension.

1. A djust spring tension.

slow or too fas t

Chuck will not stay

1. Dirty, grease, or oil on the

1. Using a household detergent clean the

attached to spindle, tapered inside surface of

tapered surface of the chuck and spindle

it falls off when trying chuck or on the spindles

to rem ove all dirt, grease and oil.

to install it

tapered surface.

Trouble Shooting