LumaSense Technologies LumaSHIELD Controller: Cleaning Probes and Connectors User Manual

Purpose, Materials needed, Cleaning the probe connector

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LumaSHIELD Guide: Cleaning Probes and Connectors


To ensure reliable measurements and long life of the
probe and conditioner fiber optic connector, it is recom-
mended that the probe connector be wiped before and
after each connection. It is also recommended to clean
the conditioner connectors once in a while, depending on
instrument usage.
This document provides some guidelines for care and
cleaning of the fiber optic connectors.

Materials Needed

Fiber optic connector cleaner

Plastic foam swabs

Methanol/ Isoproponol

In-adaptor ferrule cleaner - 2.5mm

Cleaning the Probe Connector

Always clean the connector ferrule end face with the
included connector cleaner before each connection.
Failure to do so can result in permanent damage to the
connector caused by hard particles trapped between the
fiber optic end faces.
1. LumaSense recommends cleaning the connector via

the use or the Fiber Optic Connector Cleaner. Ensure
a new cleaning surface by advancing cloth tape and
tear off excess tape as required.

2. Softly press connector on a pristine portion of the

cloth tape and drag it across the tape while rotating
the connector. Up to 6 connectors may be cleaned
before advancing tape.

Cleaning the Conditioner

1. Provided in the cleaning kit, swab sticks are required

to insure a proper cleaning which are available at
most electronic stores. Avoid using cotton swabs.
Take a swab and wet it with a few drops of isopropa-
nol - avoid acetone.

2. In rotating motion, smoothly insert the swab in the

internal connector of your conditioner. Rotate the
swab gently in order to swamp the entire internal
connector surface. Repeat step #1 and 2, 3 times and
always use new swabs stick. To prevent scratches on
the connector, always use soft tip swab stick.