Johnson Level & Tool Mfg. 40-6004 User Manual
Page 20

©2013 Johnson Level & Tool - Rev. 1
Error Codes
Code Description
Err01 Distance is outside of measuring range
Measure in a shorter
distance or longer distance
Err02 Reflected signal is too weak
Measure a better surface
Err03 Out of display range
Maximum Value: 99,999
Split up measurement area
into smaller segments.
Err04 Pythagorean theorem calculation error
Check and verify value or the
sequence of measurements
is correct
Err05 Low Battery
Install a new battery
Err06 Temperature is outside of working range
Measure in an environment
within specified working
temperature range
Err07 Ambient light is too strong
Measure in a darker place
(shadow target)
Measurement Errors
Error messages will appear if the unit’s receiver is not getting a
sufficient laser return signal.
Common surfaces that could cause an error reading:
- Water or other fluids
- Translucent to clear surfaces like glass or acrylic
- Porous or dark surfaces may require longer reading times or
cause an error reading
- Moving surfaces or objects such as curtains
- Highly reflective or angled surfaces may deflect the laser
beam signal
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