3 operation 14 – PreSonus MP20 User Manual

Page 14

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3 . 1 D Y N A M I C M I C R O P H O N E S

Dynamic microphones are characterized by lower output levels. Hence, more
gain is needed to amplify a dynamic microphone to operating level.
Occasionally it is necessary to add the –20dB pad to the microphone to avoid
distortion (e.g. when recording percussion). Do not use phantom power when
using dynamic microphones.

3 . 2 P H A N T O M P O W E R E D M I C R O P H O N E S

Phantom powered microphones such as condenser and some ribbon
microphones require external power to pre-amplify the microphone acoustic
pickup. These microphones typically have much higher output than dynamic
microphones. Hence the –20dB pad is almost always necessary when close
micing to avoid clipping the amplifier.

3 . 3 I N S T R U M E N T I N P U T

The instrument input is designed to handle ¼” plugs from instruments such as
guitars and basses. This instrument input is an ultra high impedance amplifier
designed to allow the full audio potential of an acoustic or electric instrument
pickup to be realized. Care should be taken not to overdrive the input with
instrument preamplifiers.

3 . 4 I N S E R T I N G C O M P R E S S O R S , E Q ’S , E T C .

Each channel of the MP20 features a send jack and a return jack. This feature
allows the use of external processors such as compression and equalization
devices. Simply connect the send jack, balanced or unbalanced to the input of
the external processor. Then connect the MP20’s return jack to the output of
the external processor. The signal is now routed out of the MP20, into the
external processor, then back into the MP20. The final, processed signal will be
available at the MP20 channel output XLR connector or the Mix Bus output if
assigned to the mix bus.