PreSonus FIREstation User Manual
Page 36

8.8 MIDI
If your FIREstation's MIDI I/O does not function or functions
irregularly, please first check that all cables are connected properly. It
may also be necessary to check the integrity of the cable as well.
Please also check the MIDI channel of each connected device. If the
channel setting of the sending and receiving device does not match,
MIDI information will not be properly sent/received. Also check to
insure that MIDI is connected in the patch bay.
Presonus does not provide support for issues in regards to operating
systems, additional hardware or software. Please check our website,
regularly for software, firmware, and technical
support updates.
8.9 Footswitch
The footswitch operates on Channel 16 with Controller 23 with the
Value set to 127.
8.10 Latency
If a doubling effect or extreme delay is noticed on a signal that is
currently being recorded, it may be necessary to alter/disable the
monitoring setup in the recording software. A quick solution to this
problem would be to lower the levels of the mLAN return that the
signal is routed to.
In the instance that there is a delay in playback, the recording
software may need to be modified to achieve better performance.
Another factor in playback latency is the speed of the computer. The