PreSonus FIREstation User Manual
Page 26

4.21 ADAT
ADAT mode would slave the FIREstation(s) to an external device that
utilized an ADAT optical output. The unit would automatically sync
itself to the sampling rate of the external device. The ADAT mode
would most likely be used when a BNC output is not present on the
external device.
4.22 INT
Three different sample rates are available. These rates are 32k, 44.1k,
and 48k. The higher the resolution, the more hard drive space
required. For example, one minute of stereo recording at 44.1kHz
requires 10 MB of hard drive space per minute.
NOTE: The FIREstation always records at a 24-bit resolution. In order
to record at a lower resolution, the software has to be set to dither or
truncate the incoming recording signal.
4.23 Buttonology Notes
If the EXT clock button blinks, then no clock is present for the
FIREstation to be slaved to the external device.
If the LED for Sample rate/external device blinks, then signal is out of
the sampling range.