Electrical set-up, pretest and loading, Electrical set-up, Pretest for unit without material – Rapid-Air AIR FEED / RAPID MASTER WITH KEYPAD User Manual
Page 6: Loading material into the air feed

1. Master power on/off button
Lighted 2 position switch, located on the
side of the console. When turned on the
switch should illuminate.
2. Tonnage selector switch
The tonnage selector switch selects the
Rapid Master ram force exerted. On the
side of the ram units is a 2 position,
screwdriver slot, selector switch to
accomplish this task. The switch is
labeled 2 ton or 4 ton.
3. Door closed switches
There are 3 door closed switches, 2 are
on the ram unit and 1 is on the slide unit.
The ram doors must be closed all the time
while the slide door has to be closed in
the automatic mode.
4. position switches
There are 2 position switches on the air
feed and 1 position switch on the ram.
Any failure on any of these switches could
stop the running of the complete unit.
5. pre-operation check
* Check that the air is connected and
turned on.
* Pull the “power button” to the “on”
* Select “cycles per cut” – make it 1.
* Select “manual” then press the “feed
air” selection button. F1 turns the air on
to hold the material and F2 turns the
feed air off the load material. Turn the
feed air on to cycle.
* Press the feed button, the feed should
cycle the number of cycles entered in
the cycles per hit.
* Press the down ram button. The ram
should cycle one time.
* Press the single cycle button, the feed
and ram should cycle one complete
* Increase the feed strokes from 1 to
2, the feed should now feed 2 times to
1 stroke of the ram.
* Select “auto total”, the machine will
start cycling and continue to cycle
until the stop button is pressed.
* Select “auto batch”, enter desired
batch size and the start cycle. The
machine will cycle until the cycle stop
button is pressed or the batch count is
complete, then stop.
electrical set-up, pretest and loading
Electrical Set-Up
The first step is to turn on the main
switch on the electrical enclosure.
The button should illuminate to
indicate that there is power to
the system.
If you are comfortable with program-
ming a job then continue, if not,
please refer to the “Programming
Procedure” located in this manual.
Follow the programming sequence for
the operators terminal to input feed
parameters. Your unit has been fully
pretest for Unit Without Material
tested before it was shipped to your
facility and this procedure is merely
a test to insure that all functions are
still functional and the cables are
properly seated.
Once you have programmed the
required parameters, select the
manual mode of operation.
After you have verified that the feed
and the ram are operational, you can
experiment with single cycle moves.
The procedure is outlined in the
programming section of this manual.
Now you can cycle the ram and
watch the feed to verify that the sig-
nal from the ram switch is functional
and actuating at the proper time.
After all the checks have been made
and you feel comfortable with the
programming of the unit controller,
place the unit in automatic mode.
The feed should react upon the
closure of the ram signal and simulate
a feed progression of material.
Upon satisfactory completion of all
the tests, you should be ready to load
a strip of material into the feed. Step
number one is to select the manual
mode of operation on the keypad. You
can now open the clamps manually by
turning the air feed air off. Position the
leading edge of the material near the
center of the entry guide and adjust
the edge guides on the feed to the
Loading Material Into The Air feed
proper width setting. Hand feed the
material through the air feed unit until
it protrudes out of the feed and starts
into the guide on the ram unit then turn
the feed air on to clamp the material.
You are now ready to begin testing
the complete system under power.
To check the progression, cycle the
unit in the single cycle mode to test
for correct progression length. If the
progression is correct, no further
adjustments are necessary. If the
progression is either short or long, go
to the troubleshooting chart and per-
form the sequences described there
for inaccurate feeding. Once the feed
progression has been accurately set
and the repeatability is satisfactory,
you are ready for full automatic mode.