Qualcraft Cable Grab User Manual
Rope or cable grabs, Your safety company for life

Rope or Cable Grabs
Cable Grab for 3/8" 7x19 aircraft cable
Rope Grab for 5/8" Lifelines
Manufactured with pride in the U.S.A. Kent, WA 98032 Ph:800-466-6385
ROPE and CABLE GRABS travel freely on 5/8” vertical
lifelines as a connector between the worker’s harness and the
lifeline. The inertia of a fall activates the locking device.
The back of this sheet contains instructions that must be retained
for OSHA compliance! Do not discard!
Guardian products meet and comply with all
applicable ANSI standards and OSHA regulations.
Your Safety Company For Life
GF Ropegrab clamshell
4/29/02, 4:15 PM