Setup menu chart – Audio Authority 1156 User Manual
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1 Audio Authority AVAtrix, 1156 and 1166 User Manual
Customizing the 1156 or 1166
One of the features that sets the Model 1156 or 1166 apart from other products is customization. It is easy to
apply your own source names, create zones and apply zone names, lock out certian functions, and add contact
information. The easiest way to
con g e he
em i o e he
PC Con g a ion U ili , ho n a
he igh ; ho e e , an con g a-
tion may be performed via the front
panel controls and/or remote con-
trol. Refer to the Setup Menu Chart
Setup Menu Chart
Settings (Options)
Lockout AutoSelect
Prevents AutoSelect from being activated by the front panel or IR.
Lockout Front Panel Keys
Lockout all front panel keys except for Display and the key sequence for Setup
Menu access.
Lockout Front Panel IR Detector
Ignores any IR commands visible from the front panel IR window; IR input jack
on rear is still active.
Enable Display Blanking
Enables blanking of display after 5 seconds of inactivity (keytouch or IR).
Name the Sources
Assign default, custom and custom long names to each source.
Learn IR Commands
Teach the Model 1166 which IR commands of associated equipment to follow.
Name the Zones
Choose zone names from a list or enter custom zone names.
Assign Output Zones
Divide the array of Model 116 Wallplate outputs into geographic or functional
Save/Load File
Save Current Setup to Flash Card
Save the current setup configuration to memory card in rear slot. Does not
overwrite any existing setup files.
Load New Setup from Flash Card
Scan and load setup data saved from an 1166 or saved from the 1166PC
Configuration Utility.
Load Demonstration Setup
Loads example setup including custom short and long source names and
simulated remote Wallplate locations.
Load Default Setup
Clears user setup and loads factory default setup.
Upgrade 1156/66 Operating System Choose from available 1156/66 operating system firmware files on the flash
memory card to install a firmware upgrade.
Contact Installer
The installer may enter contact information for the owner’s convenience. Enter
up to four lines of information, characters per line.
116 Address Diagnostic shows letter address of all detected 116 expanders.
Other diagnostics may be added in later system firmware releases.