Classic® 5, Explanation of display – White’s Electronics Classic 5 ID User Manual

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Classic® 5



Block indications on the display indicate the possible
identification or type of metal item currently being
It is normal for the display to show and hold a random
block indication during use as well as indicate targets
rejected by the DISC setting. This will not reset with
the ALL METAL toggle.
Consult the display indication only when it is accom-
panied by a smooth repeatable audio sound dictated
by the DISC setting.
Each of the eight blocks function independently,
therefore, it is possible to receive multiple block
indications with several targets near each other or
when the metal is of a complex alloy.
During heavy interference, if the Sensitivity control is
set too high for the conditions, all the blocks may fill in
momentarily. There is no cause for concern as the
display will automatically reset itself upon the detec-
tion of a metal item. If such display filling becomes
excessive reduce the sensitivity control by turning it
slightly counter clockwise.

I. First block indication from the left :


This block indicates the metal is likely iron or steel
such as nails, steel bottle caps, or iron relics. Dig only
if iron/steel is of interest.

Explanation of Display

II. The second block indication from the left:


The most common metal found with this block indica-
tion is small “FOIL” gum and candy wrappers. How-
ever, some very small gold jewelry can also be indi-
cated by this block. If the DISC control is set low
enough to produce a good solid sound you may want
to dig this indication in areas where rings are sus-

III. The third block indication from the left:



The most common metal found with this block indica-
tion is nickels. However, large aluminum, candy
wrappers or very small or partial pull tabs may also be
indicated by this block. Small gold coins, medium
jewelry, and small ancient coins, may also be indicated
with this block . We recommend a DISC control setting
low enough to produce a good solid sound at this
display indication.