Classic® 5, Operating instructions – White’s Electronics Classic 5 ID User Manual

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Classic® 5



I. Once fully assembled, and the batteries installed, set
the ON/OFF SENS knob to the “P” (Preset) position
set the DISC knob to the RING RANGE “P” (Preset)
position, set the ALL METAL toggle (located on the
handle/rod) to the center DISC position.

II. The SENS (Sensitivity) knob turns the instrument
ON/OFF and adjusts the responsiveness of the detec-
tor to metal targets as well as interference from exter-
nal electrical sources and ground peculiarities.

A. In most conditions the “P” (Preset) position is ideal.
l. If interference becomes apparent (false signals or
instability) reduce the SENS control (counterclockwise)
until smooth, stable operation is restored.

2. If smooth, stable operation is noted at “P” (Preset),
increasing the SENS control (clockwise) may increase
detection depth so long as the ground is not extremely

3. The SENS control will also dictate the sensitivity
of the ID display. If set too high for the conditions the
display may either become unreliable, or tend to fill in
with all the display blocks. If this occurs once in a
while ignore it as the display will clear itself automati-
cally upon the detection of any real metal target.
However, if the display fills in regularly, we advice
reducing the sensitivity control by turning it slightly

4. When not in use, turn the SENS (Sensitivity) knob
fully counterclockwise until it clicks indicating the
instrument is turned OFF. Remove battery from unit,
and remove batteries from holder/tray prior to pro-
longed periods of storage.

Operating Instructions

III. The DISC (Discrimination) knob adjusts the level
of audio rejection against trash metals.
A. The Ring Range “P” (Preset) is recommended for
most general purpose searching. In this position, the
detector will reject most iron and light foil and respond
to most valuables including jewelry.
1. Positions lower (counterclockwise) than Ring
Range provide even less trash metal rejection, to the
point of detecting virtually all types of common metals
except small iron and small stainless steel.

B. The Coin Range “P” (Preset) is optional. In this
position, the detector will reject more trash metals
including aluminum pull tabs. The display will
continue to indicate ID even though the audio dis-
criminator will signal with a reject sound. Nickels and
some jewelry will also be rejected at this DISC setting.
1. Positions higher (clockwise) than the Coin Range
will provide even greater degrees of trash metal

Center Position