White’s Electronics MXT User Manual
Page 23

When a trash metal is being rejected in a Traditional
DISC MODE, it will produce no beep at all or a
suppressed beep that is shorter sounding typically
inconsistent, a click or flutter-sounding beep. When
a valuable metal is accepted it will produce a
consistent, smooth, solid, and longer sounding beep.
When operating below Threshold "silent search"
very deep or small targets may appear as mere
threshold level responses.
Some large trash metals, such as pieces of lead, pot
metal, aluminum, tin, brass, copper, or significant
iron will produce a good sound regardless of the
DISC control position. An operator must dig these
unusual scrap metals to be a successful detectorist.
2. Pull Tab Notch (Coin & Jewelry Mode).
A. While operating in the Coin & Jewelry
MODE with the Trigger on the hand grip in
the forward position, the Pull Tab range is
"notched out" or suppressed regardless of
where the DISC control is set. This can be
used exclusively as a search MODE or
switched to from the center position
(traditional DISC) to quickly audibly
determine if the target located falls within
the Pull Tab range or not. The DISC control
should be used at or near "P" to allow for
the nickel range to be accepted or ideally set
to the highest setting that accepts the nickel.
3. Two Tone I.D. (Relic Mode).
A. While operating in the Relic MODE
with the Trigger on the hand grip in the
center position, and the DISC control set at
any typical rejection level, two tone I.D.
also referred to as a "Mixed Mode"
(characteristics of both all metal and Disc
features) is available. Metals set to be
rejected by the DISC control setting produce
a lower pitched beep, targets accepted by the
DISC control setting produce a higher
pitched beep. Some search coil motion is
required to achieve detection with either
4. Ferrous (iron) & Nonferrous (not iron) tone
I.D. (Relic Mode).
A. While operating in the Relic MODE
with the Trigger on the hand grip in the
forward position, and the DISC set to "0",
Ferrous (iron) metals produce a lower pitch
beep and Nonferrous (not iron) produce a
higher pitch beep.
5. Iron Grunt (Prospecting Mode)
A. While operating in the Prospecting
MODE, with the trigger in center primary
position, significant ferrous (iron) produces
a distinctive audio grunt, nonferrous (not
iron) produces a high pitch VCO dependant
zip zip sound.
B. With the Trigger in the forward position
all metals respond with the same VCO
dependant zip zip sound.
TIONS. The % of Iron Probability is indicated on
the display. This system is totally independent of
the Audio System.
An operator may wish to choose different DISC
levels based on their preferred type of discrimina-
tion when using either the Coin & Jewelry or Relic
The loop must be swept (in motion) for metals to
respond and provide accurate discrimination. Each
pass of the loop from left to right (or from right to
left) should overlap the last by at least 50% and take
about two seconds.
At this point, it is a good idea to find an area out-of-
doors relatively free of metal to practice. Place a
coin on the ground. Pass the loop over the coin.
Note that some loop movement is necessary to
receive a good clean sound. Note that if you sweep
the loop too slow the coin doesn’t respond well.
Chapter 5 MXT Controls
Chapter 5 MXT Controls