White’s Electronics MXT User Manual
Page 17

Chapter 5 MXT Controls
*Trigger (on hand grip)
Center Position "Primary" "Two Tone ID" (disc
accept high tone, reject low tone).
In other words while operating in the Relic MODE,
targets below the DISC control setting produce a
beep lower in pitch, targets above the DISC control
setting produce a beep higher in pitch. Two differ-
ent tones, lower trash/rejects, higher good metals,
accepts all based on the DISC control setting. Edgy
target responses are normal for this mode as it
technically is a Mixed Mode with all metal and Disc
working simultaneously. Unlike other White's
models some loop motion is always required for
good target responses. Targets singles that are not
readily identifiable are assigned a tone between the
two, Threshold pitched.
Forward Position (Alternate Mode) "DISC
Suppresses Rejects" (at "0" DISC iron low tone/
non-iron high tone).
While operating in the Relic mode with the Trigger
on the hand grip in the forward position, and the
DISC control set in any typical trash rejection
setting, discrimination against trash metals occurs
like any traditional metal detector in that metals
below the Disc setting are suppressed (quiet or
broken) and metals above the DISC setting produce
a smoother solid beep. With the trigger forward
and the DISC control set to ZERO, however, fer-
rous metals (iron) produces a lower pitch beep and
nonferrous metals (not iron) produce a higher pitch
Squeezed and held "Pinpointing/Depth Read-
When operating in the Relic MODE when the
Trigger on the hand grip is squeezed and held, the
display provides a screen that indicates the depth of
coin, medium button, medium bullet sized targets.
Once released the trigger will automatically return
to the Center "Primary Search" position.
While operating in the Relic MODE the DUAL
CONTROL functions as a traditional discrimination
control. Further clockwise settings provide greater
degrees of trash metal rejection. Further counter-
clockwise settings provide lesser degrees of trash
*Trigger (on hand grip) - Center Position "Pri-
mary Searching" (iron audibly grunts).
While operating in the Prospecting MODE, iron
targets 80% and over produce an audio grunt when
Forward position (Alternate Mode) "Without
Iron Grunt" (all targets same audio).
The audio produces the same basic VCO audio
beep (zip sound) regardless of metal type. Iron
doesn't grunt.
Squeezed and held "Temporally Disables (stops)
ground tracking".
Depth reading can only accurately be calibrated by
knowing ahead of time approximate target size. No
two nuggets are the same size so any attempts to
apply depth indications are fundamentally flawed
(in error). Therefore while operating in the Pros-
pecting MODE rather than giving a known flawed
depth indication, squeezing and holding the Trigger
on the hand grip simply and temporarily stops
ground tracking. This is an important feature. In
order for the MXT to recognize a target in mineral-
ized ground it must first be able to cancel the
ground mineral. This is done by the fast tracking
system built into the software. It must actually see
ground with every sweep (on either side of the
target) in order to separate the target from the
ground. This is easily done during the normal
process of detecting. However, when a target has
been detected, the user usually hovers for a while
over the target and makes repeated passes in order
to decide whether or not to investigate the signal.
thus, analyzing audio and display information. This
hovering can often cause the detector to see more
target than ground and cause the detector to think
the target is ground and attempt to track into it.
Squeezing and holding the trigger when analyzing
the signal stops tracking and prevents errors.
While operating in the Prospecting MODE, the
DUAL CONTROL functions as a Self Adjusting
Threshold (SAT) control to smooth inconsistencies
in the ground and thus the Threshold. More on SAT
under the section dedicated to the DUAL CON-
Chapter 5 MXT Controls