Sunex Tools 4950B User Manual

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The owner and/or user must have a thorough understanding
of the manufacturer’s operating instructions and warnings
before using the floor jack. Personnel involved in the use
and operation of equipment shall be careful, competent,
trained, and qualified in the safe operation of the equipment
and its proper use when servicing motor vehicles and their
components. Warning information should be emphasized
and understood. If the operator is not fluent in English,
the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings shall be
read to and discussed with the operator in the operator’s
native language by the purchaser/owner, making sure
that the operator comprehends its contents. Owner and/
or user must study and maintain for future reference
the manufacturer’s instructions and pertinent warning
information. Owner and/or user is responsible for keeping
all warning labels and instruction manuals legible and
intact. Replacement labels and literature are available from
the manufacturer.

Visual inspection should be made be fore each use

of the bottle jack, checking for dam aged, loose or

miss ing parts. Each jack must be im me di ate ly in spect-

ed by a man u fac tur er’s re pair fa cil i ty if sub ject ed to an

ab nor mal load or shock. Any jack which ap pears to be

damaged in any way, found to be badly worn, or op er ates

ab nor mal ly MUST BE RE MOVED FROM SER VICE until

nec es sary re pairs are made by a man u fac tur er’s au tho-

rized repair fa cil i ty. It is rec om mend ed that an annual

in spec tion of the jack be made by a man u fac tur er’s au tho-

rized re pair facility and that any de fec tive parts, decals or

warning labels be replaced with man u fac tur er’s specified


A list of authorized repair facilities is avail able from the

man u fac tur er.

Before using the jack:
1. Using the handle, open the re lease valve by rotating it

coun ter clock wise one full turn.

2. Place the handle in the handle sock et and pump

about 6 full strokes to purge the air from the pump

and valving.

3. Close the release valve. Pump the han dle until the jack

has reached full ex ten sion. Continue to pump several

times to purge air from un der the ram.

4. Open the release valve and push ram into its lowest

position. Close the release valve and op er ate nor mal ly.

Note: If the jack responds im me di ate ly to pump

action, it is free of air and ready for operation. If not,
re peat pro ce dure.





To use the jack:

To raise a load, close release valve by ro tat ing the

handle firmly in a clock wise direction (do not

over tight en). Care ful ly position the jack under the load

and pump the jack handle to raise the load to the

desired height.

2. If raising a vehicle, always support it with vehicle

stands before working on the ve hi cle or getting under

it for any reason.


To lower the load, slowly rotate the jack handle

coun ter clock wise just enough to open the release

valve. Open ing the release valve more per mits the load

to de scend faster.

IMPORTANT: As with any hydraulic unit, this unit

may occasionally become “air bound” due to be ing tipped

over during shipment. To purge the air from the oil lines,

open the release and pump rap id ly a few strokes. Close

release and pump to full height, then open the release to

allow the ram to descend rapidly. If the pump still seems

“spongy”, repeat the procedure.

1. To add oil, place jack in upright po si tion with pump

plunger down. Re move filler plug and add

hydraulic jack oil to level of filler hole. Be sure oil is

clean and be careful to keep dirt out of jack.


2. Periodically lubricate the points in di cat ed with SAE 30

oil. Keep jack clean.

3. Occasionally check extension screw and pump

plung er for corrosion. Keep these parts lubricated to

pre vent cor ro sion.

4. When not in use, store jack in up right position in a dry

location with pump plung er and extension screw in

lowest position and release valve closed.

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This manual is related to the following products: