SR Products ETL69C-40 Nominal Temperature Rating User Manual
Sr products, llc

Doc. ETL69C-40-I
Rev. A
Page 1 of 6
SR Products, LLC
Electro Thermal Link
The Electro Thermal Link [ ETL69C-40 ] is a multi-purpose, dual response fusible
link / release device. The fusible link portion functions identically to an ordinary
fusible link. Ambient temperature nearing the rated temperature causes the low
temperature alloy to melt, allowing the link halves to separate.
The ETL69C-40 can also be actuated by an electrical impulse. A 0.2 ampere
minimum trip current applied for a 50 millisecond minimum duration starts an
irreversible chemical reaction. This reaction melts the fusible alloy and causes link
separation in 6 to 10 seconds at standard temperature.
The ETL69C-40 was designed to substantially improve life safety and minimize
property damage by providing both ordinary fusible link response times in the event
of fire along with the capacity to instantaneously respond to any type of fire, smoke,
infrared, light detector (etc.) capable of supplying a short duration current impulse.
The design allows for ETL69C-40 substitution or retrofitting of ordinary fusible
links and other actuators or release devices installed in: dampers; doors; roof
hatches; towers; extinguishing systems, and inert chemical or gas release systems.
An inherent major advantage of the ETL69C-40 over other products is the dually
redundant dormancy – it draws no current and stays inertly in place until actuated,
then functions and separates in seconds. The ETL69C-40 is designed and intended
FOR INDOOR (or sheltered) DRY USE ONLY. The ETL69C-40 is an
Underwriters Laboratories listed device manufactured to exacting quality standards.