Agilent Technologies E6474A User Manual

Page 9

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Part 7: Hardware Accessory Options

Select which hardware accessories you need with your system.

Drive-test System Accessories

Direct Connect GPS DR w/Mag Mount Antenna -
External GPS device with dead reckoning that can
connect to either the Agilent direct connect hub or
directly to the laptop via serial port. This option
includes a magnetic mount GPS antenna.


Direct Connect GPS DR w/Perm Mount Antenna -
This option is the same as E6473B-030 but with
a permanent mount GPS antenna.


Antenna kits

900/1800 MHz Phone Antenna Kit

E6473B 898

800/1900 MHz Phone Antenna Kit

E6473B 899

Receiver Antenna,Perm. Mt 800/1900MHz


Receiver Antenna, Perm. Mt 900/1800MHz


Receiver PCS antenna, magnetic mount


Receiver Cellular antenna, magnetic mount


Miscellaneous options

4-port USB to serial hub


Briefcase for phone/receiver + phone


Table 6 - Accessories

Part 8: Support and Training Options

The E6474A software licenses include the following product support options for the first

Agilent Call Center phone support, four hour response time or less.

Software updates.

The Agilent Advantage Integrated Customer Care Program allows customers to upgrade
to more comprehensive product support options. For the program summary and options,
refer to publication 5988-4793EN.

On-site training is orderable for E6474A and for WAMS. This provides:

Telephone assistance and Web training on specific topics

On-site training and start-up assistance
Order as:
E6474A One day on-site training - H7211B-209.
WAMS One day on-site training - H7211B-232.
E6474A and WAMS Two day on-site training - H7211B-233.
Mobile Voice Quality Test One day on-site training - H7211B-235.

On-site training is not available in all locations. Please contact your Agilent sales
representative for further information. It is highly recommended that new E6474A users
order training options.