JuiceGoose RC5 Series - Remote Control User Manual

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In order to enable the monitoring features of the RC-5, a “Terminator” (provided with the RC-5) must
be installed at the signal output connection of the last CQ Series product in the system.


Key or Rotary Knob Switch Control - Three positions: left is Sequence Down, up is Pause and right
is Sequence Up. The Pause position will halt the activation or deactivation of the CQ system without
affecting any units that have been previously powered. This position will also prevent the system from
automatically turning back on should there be a momentary loss of utility electric power.

Indicator Lights - One set of lights confirms the position of the key switch as either in the sequence up,
pause or sequence down position. A second set of lights indicates the status of the CQ system:
Sequence Down Complete, System OK or System Up Complete. The System OK light will be on when
the key is in the center position and the signal connection is complete between all CQ units. This light
being out indicates a signal connection fault in the CQ system. This indication may be the result of a
faulty signal cable, a faulty Terminator or a faulty CQ product.

Sequence Signal Output - This receptacle is a standard RJ type, 6 pin modular phone type connector,


After the RC-5 is installed and all equipment is connected (see “Installation” section) the system is
ready to be powered up. With the RC-5 switch in the Sequence Down position and the Down
Complete light on, turn the power switches “on” for all equipment connected to the CQ Series devices.
With the switches “on” the connected equipment will be ready to receive power once the CQ System
sequences up.

To sequence the system up turn the key switch to the Sequence Up position. The equipment connected
to the closest RC5 device will turn on first, followed by equipment successively farther away. When
the last piece of equipment is activated the Sequence Up Complete light will turn on. To turn the
system off, turn the switch to the Sequence Down position. The farthest equipment will turn off first,
followed by successively closer equipment. When all equipment is off the Sequence Down Complete
light will turn on.

So long as the switch is in the Sequence Up position, should AC main power be lost the system will
sequence back up once power is restored. It will not turn on all at once. However, should this not be
desired, after the system is sequenced up place the switch in the Pause position. In this position,
should power be lost it will not automatically restart once power is restored.


The RC-5 is not intended to function with any other power sequencing product or any other product
that uses a 6 wire RJ type connection, including data communications or telephony equipment

Should there be a problem with the performance of the RC-5 the following check list is provided