JuiceGoose RC5 Series - Remote Control User Manual
Operating manual juice goose rc-5, Remote control monitor

The Juice Goose RC-5 is a remote control and operations monitor for the Juice Goose CQ Series line
of power sequencing products. For additional information please see product literature or operations
manuals for any CQ Series Product.
The RC-5 will control and monitor any CQ Series product. The RC-5 is available in either wall
(panel) or rack mount models and with a key switch security control or with a convenient rotary knob
switch which requires no key. The RC-5 also features:
o Sequence Up, Sequence Down and Pause Function
o Indicator Lights for:
o Sequence Operation
o Sequence Completion
o System Status
CAUTION: There are no user serviceable parts inside the RC-5. If a malfunction occurs, consult the
Troubleshooting section at the end of this manual or contact Juice Goose if desired.
WARNING: Do not expose the RC-5 or any electrical or electronic device to moisture or excessive
humidity. Doing so could be detrimental to the device and may create a hazardous condition.
DISCLAIMER: Juice Goose shall under no circumstances be held responsible for any loss, damage
or injury resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the RC-5 in a manner inconsistent with safe
and proper operating procedures and/or with this documentation. The user should determine prior to
use whether the Juice Goose RC-5 is adequate, suitable or safe for the application intended. Since
individual applications can be subject to extreme variation, Juice Goose makes no representation or
guarantee as to the suitability of the RC-5 for any specific application.
Rack Mount......................................Steel, Powder Coat Faceplate w/ Finished Back Box
Wall Mount....................................................Aluminum Face Plate w/ Finished Back Box
Space Requirements
Rack Mount..........................................................................................Single Rack Space
Wall Mount...................................................................................Single Gang Utility Box
Rack Mount...........................................................................................1.75" x 19" x 1.5"
Wall Mount...........................................................................................4.5" x 2.75" x 1.5"
Signal Line Connections.......................6 Wire Flat Phone Cable w/ Modular RJ Type Connectors