SKC Limited Pocket Pump MTX User Manual

Page 23

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210-PMTXM Issue F

Page 21

Through Flow Sampling with the Twin Port Pocket Pump

Set the flow calibrator to take continuous readings, and observe the indicated flow
rate. Use the and buttons to adjust the pump flow rate up or down, to precisely
calibrate the required flow rate.

When the flow rate has been satisfactorily calibrated press the button to return to
RUN mode. The pump will now maintain the calibrated flow rate to within ±5%.

The pump run-time data is recorded during the flow rate setting and calibration
operations. Before starting a sample run reset the run-time data.

Connect the pump outlet to the sample bag inlet. Take the sample train to the sample location. Open the
bag inlet valve.

Press [ ] to run the pump and begin sampling.

When the timer display on the pump reaches the required sample duration to fill the
bag, press [ ]to put the pump into HOLD mode and stop sampling. Close the
sample bag inlet valve.

Alternatively, if the DataTrac software is available, the required flow rate and run time can be programmed
into the pump, enabling the pump to automatically stop when the required air volume has been sampled.