Audiovox AFX-1000 User Manual
Page 34

This feature allows you to perform the following tests:
TPH Test-Test the Thermal Printer Head
Lamp Test-Test operation of the Fluorescent Lamp
Perform the machine self test as follows:
“FAX” Posit ion
“PHOTO” Position Start Key
Press and hold down the START key about 4 seconds until your unit beeps.
Set Slide Switches to FAX position and PHOTO position.
If you wish to test the operation of the machine’s Thermal Head, press the START key, if not, press
the STOP key and proceed to step 5.
The’machine will print out three test bands: one black, one light grey and one medium grey. If the
Thermal Head is operating properly, the bands will appear even, distinct and with no inconsistencies
in printing.
After testing the Thermal Head, press the STOP key and proceed to step 5.
If you wish to test the machine’s fluorescent lamp, press the START key. The fluorescent lamp will
turn on. After about six seconds, if your machine either has a bad lamp or a problem in the scanner
circuitry, the unit sounds a warning tone.
If you don’t wish to test the fluorescent lamp, press the
After testing the fluorescent lamp, press the STOP key.
STOP key. The unit returns to the Standby
The unit returns to the Standby Mode.