Gentec-EO QUAD-4Track User Manual

Page 17

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QUAD-4Track User’s Manual Revision 2.1


The averaging filter is now full. As each new sample is taken, it will replace the oldest
sample and a new average will be computed based on the new data set, that is sample 6
will replace sample 1, the and the new set will be averaged.

# of Averages

The number of averages to use in the moving average.

Show History

When this control is ON the red beam position indicator will draw a dashed green line on
the graphic display to show were the beam has been. The number of history points to
keep is set by the History Buffer Size control. When the beam position history reaches
the History Buffer Size, the history will be cleared and will start over. The plot update
rate is 330 ms, so a History Buffer size of 1000 points will trace out 330 seconds of beam
history, or 5 ½ minutes.

History Buffer Size

The number of points to keep in the Beam History plot.

Clear History

Clears the Beam Position History plot. If Show History is active, a new history plot will

Beam Position (Zero Beam)

Forces the Beam Position to 0, 0. This can be used to measure displacement of the beam.

Digital Resolution

Sets the resolution of the X and Y indicators. This control has no effect on the energy

Plot Zoom

Zooms in the graphic display by the selected factor. Zoom factors are set in powers of 2
from 1X to 128X.

Use Calibration

When this control is ON the beam position indicator will be corrected for the non linear
response of the detector. If the beam position has not been calibrated, then the control
will be turned off and an error message will be displayed.